Downtime Processes

McKesson Downtime Process

  • We will use Efilm/Merge to read films when Radiologist suggest we go to this process
  • Launch Efilm/Merge on McKesson workstation on the left screen at the bottom left choose the windows icon.
  • Click on Efilm/Merge and then press OK when Efilm/Merge box appears.
  • Efilm/Merge study list will launch.
  • Select today for a list of studies.
  • The Barco screen is where the images will come up.
  • Pull the image box to the upper left corner of the Barco screen.
  • There will be 3 diagonal lines on the bottom right of the box.
  • Drag the 3 diagonal lines the entire size of the monitor so you will have more than one image show up.
  • Select your study on Efilm study list and images will launch on Barco Screen.
  • Your image list will be on the left monitor and you can enlarge that box to see all imaging in the study.
  • In powerscribe to begin dictation you will either scan the barcode with your dictation phone or you can say the accession number into powerscribe search box.
  • Press enter or click search
  • Study will pull up and you begin your dictation.
  • Sign study and this will send report to Cerner.

Repeat process until McKesson comes back online.

Cerner is down and the Radiologist needs to create a report in McKesson


  1. The Radiologist will see the exam on his McKesson worklist.
  2. The Radiologist will double click the exam in PACS to open the study.
  3. Study opens in Powerscribe with template skip to number 11.
  4. Study doesn’t open in Powerscribe go to number 5.
  5. Powerscribe will not open the study due to study still in scheduled status.
  6. Radiologist should add UN, GT,NO,SO,LB,OB in front of accession and click search
  7. (PowerScribe may want the Radiologist to Create a Temporary Order)
  8. Select the order that best describes the exam and select OK.
  9. The report palette will open.

FYI: This is done so the template associated to the exam will auto populate.

2nd FYI: The Radiologist does not have to select the exact exam to proceed to dictate, BUT they must be aware that template of the exam they choose WILL be the one that opens.

Residents will want to include a note to indicate to the Radiologist as much of the patient information as possible so they can find the patient in PACS to compare images to the report

10.Radiologists will dictate normally.


11.  Highlight your entire report, then right click and select “COPY”.

12.  Right click on your PACS image and select “Create Report”

If the “Create Report” option is not there, you must go to Preferences and add it to your “Right Click Menu”.

13. Make sure your image is selected(yellow band around the image), right click on your image and select “Create Report”

(You will want to choose your anchor study)  Choose “Preliminary Report”    

14.  Place your cursor in the window and right click, select PASTE.

If the font is too small,, click on “View” and then click “Larger Font”

15.  Go back to PowerScribe and sign your report.

16.  (PowerScribe will close)McKesson will ask if you want to save the report. Click save.

17.  Since the report in McKesson is in a Preliminary status, the exam will remain on the unreported worklist. You do have the option of marking it as reported.



 The process for using eScription during a Radiology Downtime is as follows:

Dial any of these numbers to dictate:

516-7054     516-6916     516-2460

516-5588     516-3094     516-7159



  • Enter physician ID followed by #
  • Enter FIN followed by the #
  • Press 2 to dictate
  • Dictate Accession # along with report
  • The following functions are available while recording, press:
    • 1 – Listen
    • 2 – Dictate
    • 3 – Reverse a few words
    • 4 – Pause
    • 5 – Start new report
    • 6 – Go to the end of dictation
    • 7 – Fast forward
    • 8 – Reverse to beginning
    • 9 – Disconnect